• 02/16/2008 - 6:00 PM (also 02/17/2008 3:00 AM): Guest on Radio America "Battle Line," host Alan Nathan, re Campaign '08, including "McCain's Valentine's Day present" to Democrats and America -- on Larry King Live 'defending' his statement that it would be all right if we are in Iraq for 100 years, and he compounded it by saying "It's not a matter of how long we are in Iraq, it's whether we succeed." I said, yes it is a matter of how long, since we are there because we missed the target of bin Laden on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, and I said I can't wait until we can run an ad showing McCain's saying "100 years" contrasted to either Clinton or Obama's saying we are working to get out in a year.

    Also brought out the Democrats' record high turnout, and McCain's "marriage of convenience" with Romney. In response to question of where democrats are going candidate-wise, I said it will be decided by votes of Wisconsin, Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and I expected the superdelegates to reflect the delegate majority and for it not to be controversial by that point (so I said....)

    From Alan Nathan's show website:
    Our guests for the February 16-17 weekend show were:

  • HUSSEIN IBISH; Executive Director of the Foundation for Arab-American Leadership and Senior Fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine
  • BOB WEINER; Democratic Strategist, Columnist and former Communications Director for Clinton Drug Czar Gen. Barry McCAFFREY
  • SENATOR JIM DeMINT (R-SC); Member of the Senate Foreign Relations, Commerce, Science & Transportation, Energy & Natural Resources and Joint Economic Committees
  • ELLEN RATNER; Washington Bureau Chief and White House Correspondent for Talk Radio News Service

  • Election '08 - Who's up, down and why?
  • War nay-saying US politicians still ignoring progress in Iraq despite their own demands now being realized.
  • The town of Berkeley is threatened with the loss of federal funding after collectively urinating on the Marines - will Senator Jim DeMint's legislation to deny them 2.3 million dollars survive now that the town-government has apologized?