Photo by Dave Elliott (host of the Dave Elliott Show on WGUF Naples FL)
showing Bob's perseverance in doing January 8, 2014, regular segment on Alan
Nathan's "Battle Line" on Main Street Radio Network's 200 stations. Bob and
Pat were meeting Dave in Coconut Point, Florida for dinner while they were
unable to return home to DC from New Year's/Anniversary trip because of
polar vortex-- had three United flights canceled. Blue Water Bistro
Restaurant refused to allow interview in kitchen back office citing
"liability," so Bob went into the restaurant's men's room (he told
restaurant manager and staff he'd have to do that and they did not object to
that), got chair from dining room, used sink as desk (note talking point
papers lined up), and had urinals as backdrop. Two gentlemen came in, used
facilities during radio interview, and didn't mind (not shown).
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